Bart EV elektrisch rijden review testimonial ervaring interview Tesla Model S
13 June 2019

“From a young age, my children are very much aware of the climate and our air quality. This also motivates adults to engage with energy in a more sustainable way.”

Commercial director for SME and Private Lease, Bart, talks about his electric driving experience

Bart Claes has been working for LeasePlan for eight years now. As the commercial director, he leads the SME and Private Lease department. He is the father of two young children who are proud of the fact that their dad drives an electric car. “Out of the mouths of babes, they say. My four-year-old daughter told me she's happy that her daddy drives an electric car that ‘does not emit bad substances’. Through awareness-raising campaigns at school, our children are very much aware of the climate and our air quality from a young age. This also motivates adults to engage with energy in a more sustainable way.”

Bart drives a model-S Tesla, his company car, for one year already. Apart from the fact that it is a green car, an electric car has more benefits. “The driving comfort is amazing. An electric car is completely silent and you're supported by high-tech gadgets that make driving child's play.”

Bart drives about 40,000 kilometres a year. “I admit that I was prejudiced against electric driving and the autonomy a battery can provide. But I quickly found that these prejudices were unfounded. My car almost always charges at home or at the office. I only use public charging stations in emergencies or when I drive more than 250 km. For instance, I’ve already driven to Amsterdam several times. The first question I asked before booking a hotel was whether or not the hotel had any charging stations. If I do need a fast-charger along the motorway, then I will use that time to go through my emails or try to arrange a meeting with a colleague at that location. When travelling with your family, you can combine utility with fun by charging at a car park with a playground, for example. People say that you need to properly plan things out with an electric car, but once you get used to it, it happens automatically and does not feel like planning.”

Bart's vision of the future of electric driving “The autonomy of electric cars will only continue to increase. Let's not forget that this is just the first generation of electric cars. In the future, you will be able to charge your battery to 80% in 10 minutes and we will have more autonomy. All car brands are experimenting constantly. Electric driving is the future of the Belgian mobility landscape!”

EV at LeasePlan “As a lease company, we want to be a frontrunner and expand a zero-emission fleet by 2030. We also want to convince our partners and customers to join us. Through our Lunch & Learns, we try to inform them as much as possible. Now that I drive 100% electrically myself, I can easily refute any prejudice against electric vehicles.”

“I am proud that I can contribute to a better air quality by driving electrically. If Belgium opts for zero-emission cars, then we can still meet the climate goals.”

More about electric driving

“People say that you need to properly plan things out with an electric car, but once you get used to it, it happens automatically and does not feel like planning.”

Bart Claes

Already 8 years a proud LeasePlan employee

bart claes

Also interested in driving electric like Bart?

For private lease: more information here. For SME and independants: more information here. For fleet management: more information here.

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