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Covid-19 has brought significant change in mobility behaviour

1 min to readMobility
The coronavirus pandemic has made us realise how unpredictable events can change the world from one day to the next. As a result, people`s approach to the subject of mobility has also changed in Switzerland, as the first part of the LeasePlan Mobility Insights Report "New Normal" shows. More than 5,000 drivers of all ages in 22 countries were surveyed for the Mobility Insights Report.
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Clear trend towards people using their own car

About half of the respondents in Switzerland said that, in the ongoing pandemic environment, they are now less likely than before to use public transport. The trend is clearly towards using their own car, with a majority of 60.1% stating that they now feel more comfortable using their own car instead of other mobility options. The main reason for this development is a significantly increased awareness of the safety and comfort of their own car. This is also leading to an increase in demand: around 50% of respondents in Switzerland said they would buy or lease a car in the next five years.

And if they do, more and more of them would want an environmentally friendly vehicle.

Awareness of climate change is playing an increasingly important role in buying a car. For example, 32% of those surveyed are now more willing to reduce their own CO2 footprint by switching to an emission-free car (country comparison, average 40.2%). Drivers of transport vehicles have a particularly positive attitude towards e-vehicles – more than 80% can imagine switching to an e-van.

Download the entire “New Normal” Mobility Insights Report to see the insights from all the countries surveyed.

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Published at February 10, 2021
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February 10, 2021
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