What’s next for your career?

Strong together for the success of our customers - with our expertise, our service and our efficiency, we want to be the best in the industry. To achieve this, we are always looking for people with the right attitude. Discover the latest job opportunities and take the next step in your career with LeasePlan.

If none of our current vacancies match your search profile you’re very welcome to send us a speculative application!

ALD Automotive | LeasePlan: We are now together. Also discover the wide range of career opportunities – locally at ALD Automotive or internationally at Ayvens – and open up new perspectives.

Anything you’d like to ask us about applying for a job or pursuing a career?
Drop us a line. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Employee ratings

Employee ratings

Our current and former employees have given us their seal of approval as a kununu ‘Top Company’. Check out our kununu profile to see LeasePlan’s employer ratings.

We have profiles on the following career networks:

Privacy policy for applicants

LeasePlan Germany is committed to the protection of your personal data. Read our privacy policy for online applications for information about the personal data concerning you that we collect during the application process, and when we collect it.