Aerial view of two cars on a road surrounded by the green forest

LeasePlan heading for greener mobility

2 min to readSustainability
EV100 and ambitious targets commit, and in connection with the financial statements we have analysed the development in electric cars and fuel consumption respectively.
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Part of LeasePlan's global strategy is the target of zero emission in 2030, and in the annual report 2019 for LeasePlan Denmark, which has just been published, we formulate this objective as follows: We have set an ambitious goal for our fleet towards zero emission in 2030 to protect the environment and our future on the planet. We do this, among other things, by being in front when it comes to consulting on electric vehicles and by helping our customers get started with green mobility. We are a member of EV100, which is a union of a growing number of large, international organisations working together for this target. However, it requires interaction from many fronts if it is to succeed.

Of course, words require action, and even though it takes a lot to turn the ship around, statistics already show that we are strongly heading in the right direction.

In Denmark, the total share of registered electric cars increased by 53% during 2019. Leasing companies' share of the total number of registered electric cars is unchanged from 2018 to 2019, so the amount of electric cars is increased through all sales channels.

LeasePlan's share of the total number of registered electric cars has increased from 0.6% in 2018 to 1.4% in 2019, as seen in the illustration below.

LeasePlans andel af det totale antal indregistrerede elbiler er forøget fra 0,6 % i 2018 til 1,4 % i 2019

By the end of 2019, more than every tenth electric car, owned by a leasing company, is owned by LeasePlan. By the end of 2018, it was just 1 in 25.

Ved udgangen af 2019 er mere end hver tiende elbil, ejet af et leasingselskab, dermed ejet af LeasePlan

This development indicates that our individual counselling to fleet administrators and company car users, as well as knowledge sharing, for example via seminars, works in this area, and our customers dare to begin this shift and are feeling well informed.

Fuel consumption is reducing

We also see that LeasePlan Denmark is in positive development when it comes to average fuel consumption. And the development is better than seen in the leasing industry in general, where consumption as a whole has increased. As shown in the illustration, the average fuel consumption for LeasePlan's fleet from 2018 to 2019 has been reduced by 3%. During the same period, the average fuel consumption for all leasing companies has increased by 1%.

Development in fuel consumption (liter/100 km)

Udvikling i brændstofforbrug (liter/100 km)

We are very pleased with this development, and it is good to see that our focus is starting to show. It is our ambition to fully support our customers in this landmark development within mobility. The future is here, and it is our job to be one step ahead of it.

Michael OlsenCEO, LeasePlan Denmark


Fuel consumption is measured according to WLTP, and the calculation is made on the basis of all leasing companies' portfolios which have a stated WLTP value on*

Published at 5 May 2020
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5 May 2020
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