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How to transition to an eLCV fleet

2 min to readFuture
Adding electric light commercial vehicles (eLCVs) to your fleet or making a complete switch can be quite challenging, with extra variables like range, charging and weight to consider. In this blog we look at how to easily include eLCVs in your fleet.
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The benefits of making the switch often out way these challenges and we see eLCVs growing in popularity. In the UK alone LCV registrations were down in 2020 compared to 2019 but eLCV sales were up by 64%. So why are fleets making the switch to an eLCV fleet and what do you need to do to make the switch to an electric commercial fleet?

Why are fleets eager to transition to an eLCV fleet?

Currently, light commercial vehicles have a significant impact on total CO2 emissions and fleet operators are looking to eLCVs to reduce emissions and maintain access to areas low emission zones. eLCVs help fleet operators to:

Before you start to include electric vans in your fleet you should first carry out a full eLCV feasibility study. This feasibility study should include, checking eLCV routes and optimising them, planning charging infrastructure and understanding your drivers’ behaviour and mindset. If you’re leasing your commercial fleet your lease or fleet management company should help with the transition.

Plan and phase your eLCV transition based on your organisation and your current LCV fleet operation model.

Four areas to keep in mind when planning the addition of eLCVs to your fleet:

1. Review existing LCV fleet: a. Identify potential fleet vehicle options b. Identify minimum standard specifications

2. Future eLCV roadmap a. Consider future operational usage b. Review current and future eLCV products

3.Total cost of ownership a. Sample existing spend b. Compare price of eLCVs to internal combustion engine (ICE) LCVs c. Identify indirect costs

4. Learn from eLCV pioneers a. Observe the frontrunners b. What are their learnings and review issues and benefits

The 7 steps to a successful eLCV transition

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7.

LeasePlan provides fleets with:

Contact your LeasePlan contact person for more information about making the switch to an electric LCV fleet.

Published at June 24, 2021
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June 24, 2021
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