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Climate Week NYC 2021

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Corporates have a small window of time to electrify their fleets and help prevent the worst effects of climate change.
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This is the key takeaway from LeasePlan’s latest whitepaper, “Road to COP26: How corporate fleets can fight climate change”, published today as a call to action for business leaders ahead of the pivotal COP26 meeting in November.

The report also highlights that the majority of new cars sold in Europe are company cars – meaning that while corporate fleets are today a significant contributor to transport emissions, their electrification would represent a giant step forward towards a net zero world. **

Tex Gunning, CEO of LeasePlan, said:**

“Corporate leaders should take full responsibility to fight climate change, and switching to an electric fleet is one of easiest and most effective ways to make an impact. If we can get a decent plan in place by the time COP26 starts in November, we will have a real chance to eliminate emissions from road transport and play our part in limiting global temperature rises to 1.5°C. We have a small window of time to prevent the worst effects of climate change, and we owe it to our children and grandchildren not to waste this opportunity.”

Key takeaways of the whitepaper are:

LeasePlan has committed itself to achieving net zero emissions from its total funded fleet by 2030. LeasePlan is also a founding partner of The Climate Group’s EV100 initiative, launched around the UN General Assembly in September 2017 to promote EV uptake among the world’s largest companies.

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Published at September 23, 2021
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September 23, 2021
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