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LeasePlan joins UN Global Compact

2 min to readNews
By joining the United Nations Global Compact, LeasePlan has committed to supporting Ten Principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption and to ensuring that these principles form part of its strategy, culture and day-to-day operations. As a founding member of the EV100, LeasePlan is an industry leader in the transition to zero emissions mobility and has set itself the ambitious goal of achieving net zero tailpipe emissions from its entire funded fleet by 2030, in support of the Paris Agreement.
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“The events of the past year have shown that there is no existence without coexistence, supercharging the debate around a whole range of important sustainability and human rights issues. As a progressive company, LeasePlan is committed to playing a leading role in campaigning for environmental and social justice, a fact we are delighted to confirm today by joining the UN Global Compact. LeasePlan changed the conversation in our industry around climate change and the transition to EVs, and now we look forward to working with our partners in UN Global Compact to decisively address all the major ESG issues of our time.”

In 2021, LeasePlan will update its sustainability strategy to address the growing expectations of key stakeholders in all areas of environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG), while continuing to build on its industry-leading transition to zero emission mobility.

LeasePlan is at the forefront of the zero emission mobility revolution: in 2020, the company saw its EV registrations double. Last year, EVs made up 15.9% of LeasePlan’s newly ordered lease vehicles.

LeasePlan’s sustainability strategy is based on three priority areas:

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Published at June 4, 2021
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June 4, 2021
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