LeasePlan claims access to employment for women at serious risk of social exclusion
On the occasion of International Women's Day, the multinational joins the Adecco Foundation's initiative for the employment inclusion of women with more difficulties in the Covid-19 crisis scenario. The leading leasing company, which has been awarded the Distinction for Equality in Business (DIE), has been drawing up an annual plan since 2010 to promote equality in the workplace and work-life balance for its employees.
LeasePlan, a leading company in the Car as a Service (CaaS), claims one more year the access to employment of women at serious risk of social exclusion, coinciding with International Women's Day, which is celebrated every March 8.
This year, LeasePlan is commemorating Women's Week 2021 with different activities among its employees that give visibility to the barriers that women, in situations of vulnerability, encounter when trying to access employment. In this way, the multinational joins the actions of the Adecco Foundation #EmpleoParaTodos, aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda, along with 79 other companies, with the aim of providing essential resources and tools to those women who wish to compete on equal terms in the labour market. In the words of LeasePlan's CEO in Spain, Alberto Sáez, "we are aware that together, each in their own area of competence, we can give greater visibility and raise awareness of a problem that we are still experiencing in the 21st century. We must not ignore the figures provided by the Adecco Foundation, which has counted 4,255,564 women - between 16 and 64 years of age - seriously exposed to poverty and social exclusion, which is equivalent to 28% of women of working age".
The beneficiaries of this project are women over 55 years of age, with unshared family responsibilities and/or victims of gender-based violence. These difficulties are now intensified in the context of the Covid-19 crisis, which has affected sectors that usually employed a large number of women.
LeasePlan is fully committed to equal opportunities for women and men, and has had an Equality Plan in place since 2010. Its work has been recognised by the Ministry of Equality of the Spanish Government, which has awarded it the Distinctive of Equality in Companies (DIE) since 2014. In this regard, it must issue an annual report to demonstrate its level of excellence.