Aerial view of two cars on a road surrounded by the green forest

Leasing and the environment: figures that speak for themselves

3 min to readSustainability
New mobility concepts that are being established in the face of the environmental protection paradigm are based on the need to use cars in more rational ways in order to offset the impacts on our planet. The advance of new technology must be accompanied by eco-friendly solutions, in which leasing stands out as one of the trends that most help to protect the environment.
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Sustainable leasing, all benefits

Leasing is a great solution for protecting the environment, as it tends to use new or low-mileage cars, which means they are well maintained, with tires that have not suffered excessive wear and tear.

These vehicles also incorporate the latest technological innovations aimed at reducing the emission of polluting gases into the atmosphere and thus reducing the vehicle's environmental impact. As the latest models to be launched on the market, they feature efficient engines and an energy-optimised design philosophy.

The upkeep of the vehicles, which are taken care of by the leasing company, helps to prevent pollution and carbon dioxide emissions. Good tire maintenance also ensures vehicles do not run on tyres in poor condition, which avoids higher fuel consumption and the emission of polluting gases into the atmosphere.

Cleaner vehicles

More and more organisations and individuals are opting for a range of low-polluting vehicles, such as environmentally friendly cars that hardly pollute at all, or those that can be described as zero-emission. Hybrid and electric vehicles are also increasingly gaining ground, promoted by organisations that not only want to reduce their fuel bills, but are also moved by a strong environmental commitment as part of their **corporate social responsibility policy. ** Also, the number of citizens requiring such vehicles is increasing, mainly those who have made caring for the planet a true lifelong commitment.

For a more sustainable future

One of the advantages of opting for leasing is being able to customise the monthly length of the contract according to the needs of each person or organisation. A trend that helps to keep the car fleet in full transformation.

The most modern cars do not constrain the user's driving future and pollute less than vehicles traditionally on the road, with an average age of 12 years.

At the same time, they offer users the opportunity to acquire more efficient models in a short space of time, choosing the fuel that best suits their needs and getting the latest developments in the sector in terms of efficiency and sustainability.

Leasing in figures

Leasing is a well-established option in Spain, as shown by the positive figures at the end of 2020, despite the coronavirus pandemic. In Spain, the fleet of vehicles belonging to the leasing category amounts to 743,388 vehicles, which is 44.6% more than in 2019, according to the Spanish Association of Vehicle Leasing.

The number of leasing customers has grown by 15.77%. One out of every five cars registered (20.35% of the total) were made under the leasing modality, with an increasing number of self-employed and private individuals, which already accounts for 15% of the total leasing fleet.

Leasing and environment

In order to understand the key role that leasing plays in protecting the environment, there is nothing like reviewing the figures, a true reflection of the benefits of opting for this modality, which is becoming increasingly widespread. If the average age of cars in Spain is 12 years, the average age of leasing vehicles is 4 years.

On the other hand, leasing helps to improve traffic flow, especially in big cities. As recently introduced cars, they have all the technological equipment needed to become an ally of pollution control. Out of every 10 leasing vehicles in Spain, 9 comply with the Euro 6 standard.

Of all leasing vehicles registered,** hybrids** were the most popular in the lower-emission segment. Their registrations last year amounted to 26,310 units, 77.16% more than the previous year. In addition,** Zero-labelled electric cars showed a growth of 46.75%.**

The leasing sector faces numerous challenges within a global decarbonisation strategy, and a clear commitment to achieving clean mobility, with a key role in achieving a more environmentally responsible society, not only for the immediate future, but also for future generations.

Published at September 16, 2021
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September 16, 2021
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