Electric vehicle at the charging station plugged into EV charger

Electric vehicles

The UK Government will ban sales of non-hybrid cars and vans in 2030, with a target a 100% electric market five years later. However, with a growing choice of vehicles and rapid improvements in range, charging time and performance, there are already plenty of reasons to make the switch

2 men standing next to the EV plugged in
Electric vehicles
Thinking EV 6 reasons14 April 2022 - 4 min to read
Electric vehicles
Busting charging myths13 April 2022 - 2 min to read
Electric vehicles
Electric vehicle charging11 April 2022 - 4 min to read
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2020 Fleet Sustainability Ranking by Industry01 April 2022 - 1 min to read
Electric vehicles
When is the right time to switch to electric vehicles?01 April 2022 - 1 min to read
Electric vehicles
Is the sun shining on new energy sources?01 April 2022 - 1 min to read
Electric vehicles
Surge in support for electric vehicles as more drivers than ever ready to go EV01 April 2022 - 1 min to read
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2022 Changes to Plug-in Van Grants21 March 2022 - 3 min to read
Electric vehicles
How will rising energy prices affect electric vehicle drivers?07 February 2022 - 5 min to read
46 - 54 of 112 posts