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Rapid Charging The Dos And Don'ts

2 min to readElectric vehicles
Chargepoints have evolved incredibly quickly over the last decade. Whereas the earliest EVs would usually have waited hours to top up, the UK now has a widespread network of ‘rapid’ charging points alongside major routes. The fastest can offer almost 100 times faster top-ups than plugging in at home.
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They’re a fantastic resource for drivers. In a half-hour rest stop, these chargepoints can restore up to 80% of a vehicle’s range. However, if new to EV driving, you might not know the etiquette around charging in public spaces.

Don’t worry – we’re here to explain what you should do … and what you shouldn’t!

1. Do … take care of the charging point

Like any fuelling station, you should leave it in good condition. While you’ll usually use your own cable at slower chargepoints, rapid chargepoints have thick, water-cooled tethered cables to support faster charging speeds. Try not to create any trip hazards when you plug in, and always put the connector back when you’re finished.

2. Don’t … hog the charger

Charging speeds vary depending on the battery state of charge, and usually slow down over 80%. So while you’ll get to 80% in around 30 minutes, the final 20% could take an hour or more. It’s usually quicker to factor in another short charging stop later in your journey than it is to chase those final few percentage points. So don’t be selfish – take the charge you need, then free up the charging point for others.

3. Do … keep an eye on the time

Picture the scene: your EV won’t finish charging for half an hour, so you decide to make a call while stretching your legs. When you finish your conversation, you realise it’s been 45 minutes since you left your vehicle. As you get back, another motorist is waiting to use the charger and looking impatiently at their watch!

By keeping an eye on the time, you won’t use the public charger for longer than necessary, and you can help other drivers get back on the road quicker. Some stations have time limits for public charging, and small fines for overstaying – make sure you respect these rules.

4. Don’t … treat chargepoints as a parking space!

We’ve saved the worst for last. It’s one thing to leave your car charging for too long, but hogging the space without even using the charger is inexcusable! If you’re finished or you’re not using the charger, park somewhere else. It’s that simple.

5. Do… report faults

As an EV driver, there’s nothing worse than arriving at a chargepoint to find it’s out of order. If something is wrong with the equipment, report it to the network operator - either via the app, or their customer support line - so they fix it as soon as possible. Apps such as Zap-Map will also let you report faulty chargepoints so other drivers can avoid them.

For more tips on driving an EV, click here.

Our net-zero commitment

LeasePlan is leading the transition to zero-emission mobility and has set itself the goal to achieve net-zero tailpipe emissions from its funded fleet by 2030. As a founding member of the EV100 – a global initiative of forward-looking companies committed to accelerating the transition to EVs – sustainable mobility is at the heart of everything we do.

Published at 28 October 2022
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28 October 2022
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