
Autumn Budget 2021 Guide

1 min to readFleet management
We are currently in the middle of one of the most significant changes in motoring history: the transition away from fossil-fuelled vehicles and into electric ones.
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We are currently in the middle of one of the most significant changes in motoring history: the transition away from fossil-fuelled vehicles and into electric ones.

This is happening ahead of one of the most significant deadlines in recent political history: the 2030 ban on sales of new, conventional petrol and diesel cars and vans.

And it's all part of one of most significant challenges in human history: the fight against climate change.

Was Rishi Sunak's latest Autumn Budget similarly significant? Not quite. When it came to fleets and drivers, it didn't contain anything like the major legislative changes that we have seen in other recent Budgets.

But this doesn't mean the Autumn Budget was meaningless. Far from it. To help you understand what matters for you and your fleet, we've published a guide to its legislative changes and the wider economic context in which the Chancellor and the rest of us are operating. It's free, of course. You can download it today.

Its pages contain analysis of:

As always, please let us know what you think of the guide. And do get in touch if you?d like to further discuss what Autumn Budget 2021 means for you and your fleet.

Published at 17 March 2022
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17 March 2022
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