How can we help?
Frequently Asked Questions
Sometimes things go wrong and it’s important you know what to do if you’re unhappy.
Talk to us – the sooner to we know about a problem, the sooner we can try to fix it for you. Please use the contact options at the end of this webpage to log your complaint and we’ll talk the issue through with you.
We’ll fix it or investigate - if we can fix your problem quickly, we will. If it’s going to take a little longer, we’ll keep you updated and confirm:
- The problem – have we understood it correctly?
- Your case reference number.
- The name and number of the person working on your problem.
We’ll contact you with a solution - we like to discuss how we intend to fix the problem over the phone, but if we can’t reach you, we’ll email you instead. Occasionally, it takes more than eight weeks to get everything we need - for example if need information from outside of LeasePlan. If this happens, we’ll contact you and ask for more time.
Escalate your complaint - we work really hard to find a fair solution. If you feel that we’ve not treated you fairly, or we’ve taken more than eight weeks, you can escalate your complaint.
If you’re a personal consumer, small enterprise, small charity or a small trust, you can contact the Financial Ombudsman Service (check if you’re eligible here). If not, you can ask the British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association (BVRLA) to review what we’ve done and use their conciliation service.
Please bear with us as it can take up to five days for us to get back to you via email.