Woman opening car door

Return your car

Everything you need to know about returning your vehicle

When your contract is over, it’s time to say goodbye to your vehicle. Follow the tips below to make the process as smooth as possible.

How to return your vehicle

  1. Checked and Approved_LHow does it work?

    We understand that wear and tear is a natural part of everyday vehicle use. However, sometimes our lease vehicles are returned with excessive scuffs, scratches, or other damages. To ensure a smooth and fair vehicle return process, we conduct a comprehensive inspection when it's time for you to hand back your leased vehicle at the end of the contract.

    Fair Wear and Tear guide for cars

    Fair Wear and Tear guide for vans

    Here's a helpful timeline to guide you through the process:

    3 months before return: To prepare for the vehicle return, we recommend taking some time to review the British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association (BVRLA) fair wear and tear guidelines. This will help you understand what's considered acceptable 'fair' wear and tear and what may be considered excessive or chargeable damage.

    2 months before return: At least 2 months before returning your vehicle, arrange for professional repair of any items such as dents or scratches or windscreen chips. Particular attention should be given to the following:

    A week before You can contact our collection agents to arrange collection giving 3 working days' notice.

    On the day Our inspection agent will come to your home or place of work for the inspection. They will thoroughly check the vehicle's condition, both inside and out, and ensure it drives properly.

    Once the inspection is complete, and your vehicle meets the required standards, we will take the vehicle away with us.

  2. Cost of vehicle damagePricing matrix for damage charges

    The documents linked below will give a good indication of costs for any damage outside of our fair wear and tear policy.

    Our standard waiver threshold of £150 means if the total cost of damage is less, we won’t charge you. The threshold figure in your contract may cover you for more than this, do check!

    If the damage on your vehicle goes over the £150 threshold (or your bespoke waiver limit) you’ll be charged the full cost of repair.

    Some of the items may quote manufacturer pricing, which means we will need to obtain a quote for the correct pricing.

    Price list for cars

    Price list for vans

  3. Preparing to return your vehicle

    Everything you were given with the vehicle when it was delivered to you must be returned with the vehicle. This includes, but is not limited to:

Get in touch
If you have any questions, get in touch with us.
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