Frequently asked questions
It is also possible to speak to someone directly.
The vehicle manual should be able to give you this information. If the vehicle is a short-term rental or LP Flexible vehicle, please ask at the delivery handover what type of fuel it needs.
There are some clues on vehicles sometimes such as stickers around the car including inside the fuel lid.
Diesel cars may also typically have one of the following names to signify that it's a diesel vehicle: ‘TDI’, ‘HDi’, ‘GTD’, ‘dCi’, ‘JTD’ and so on.
If you put the wrong fuel in your vehicle, and you have breakdown cover in your contract, call our team on 0344 493 5812 and select the breakdown option (1).
To check if breakdown is included in your contract, please log in to My LeasePlan and check the Contract Summary page.
Otherwise, we recommend you call your own breakdown service provider to arrange recovery.