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Social contribution by LeasePlan Hellas

1 min to readCollaborations & Actions
LeasePlan Hellas, with a sense of social responsibility and responding to the emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, actively supports the work of the Ministry of Education and the Non-Profit Association "ELIZA- The society for the prevention of cruelty to children".

Social contribution by LeasePlan Hellas

More specifically, the company offered 80 tablets to the Ministry of Education, thus contributing to the national effort for the smooth conduct of distance learning, so that every student can have access to the online courses through the necessary technological equipment. At the same time, with this contribution, LeasePlan enhances the work of students and teachers, while also helping to strengthen their digital skills.

LeasePlan, for 5th year in a row, supports with consistency the great effort of the Non-Profit Association "ELIZA- The society for the prevention of cruelty to children". The company takes the responsibility to cover the fixed monthly expenses of the Association, including rental, stationery, fixed & mobile telephony, electricity and water supply costs, for a period of five months.

Konstantinos Petroutsos, Managing Director of LeasePlan Hellas said: "LeasePlan Hellas could not be absent from the unprecedented health crisis our country facing and which has a direct impact on our society. After all, the contribution to the community has been our main concern since the beginning of the operation of our company. The strengthening of the work of the Ministry of Education and the NGO ELIZA is added to the multidimensional support we offer to vulnerable groups in our society, such as children."

The Administrative Director of Eliza, Aphrodite Stathi, said: "LeasePlan, for many years, has been a companion to ELIZA's "journey". As a non-profit organization, ELIZA directs its every income in the fight for children protection. The continued support of LeasePlan to meet basic operational needs, greatly contributes to our proper functionality, on a critical and difficult time as now".

Published at June 9, 2020
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June 9, 2020

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