
Electric Cars: Greece with the lowest cost in use in Europe

2 min to readResearch
LeasePlan has just released its 2021 Car Cost Index, which reveals that compact and mid-size electric vehicles (EVs) are now fully cost competitive with petrol and diesel cars across most European countries.

The research, which was based on data from 22 European markets, shows that Greece is the cheapest market with the average monthly cost of driving a car in €743 a month, this first includes also electric vehicles. Electric cars, in fact, seem to have significantly increased their competitiveness for Greek drivers in relation to cars with internal combustion engine (ICEs).

More particularly, the report shows that Greece is one of the 17 countries in which the electric vehicles in the premium mid-size (D2) segment are fully cost competitive compared to internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEs). In addition, according to the Index of 2021 Greece is the cheapest place to drive a diesel car, while Poland is the cheapest place to drive a petrol car.

Relative to GDP, the total cost of ownership is highest for drivers in Switzerland and Portugal, and lowest for drivers in Denmark and Germany. Finally, as regards EVs in the Compact (C1) segment, they are fully cost competitive in 14 countries, without Greece being included among them.

The annual LeasePlan Car Cost Indexis a comprehensive analysis that reveals a car's Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) - including fuel/ energy, depreciation, taxes, insurance and maintenance – in 22 European countries. In the report participated: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom

Mr. Konstantinos Petroutsos, CEO of LeasePlan Hellas,stated: “The Car Cost Index for 2021 showed that Greece remains at the top of Europe as the most economical country to drive an electric car. Switching to electromobility seems to be an advantageous option, as EVs have strengthened their competitiveness and have now become more economical to use than conventional vehicles. Crucial to the development of e-mobility in our country is the evolution of infrastructure and the increase of the provided incentives - and we are pleased to see that Greece is moving steadily towards this direction. For our part, at LeasePlan Hellas, as pioneers in electric car rental, we work consistently to make electric car driving an affordable option for all our customers and take strategic initiatives to promote e-mobility and strengthen the infrastructure. It is our global commitment, after all, to achieve net zero tailpipe emissions from our total fleet by 2030 ".

Published at November 25, 2021
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November 25, 2021

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