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EV Readiness Index 2021: Greece's ranking is improved

2 min to readResearch
Europe is more ready than ever for the EV revolution, with the Netherlands, Norway and the United Kingdom continuing being the best prepared countries for the electric vehicle transition. At the same time, Greece improved its ranking (+2 places) and its overall score (+1 point) on LeasePlan’s 2021 EV Readiness Index. Charging infrastructure, however, continues to be a major roadblock preventing EV adoption across the continent, with the rate of charging pole installation actually falling in 2020.

These are the conclusions of LeasePlan’s 2021 EV Readiness Index, a comprehensive analysis of the preparedness of 22 European countries for the electric vehicle revolution. The Index is based on three factors: the size of the EV market, the maturity of EV infrastructure, and the cost of using EV.

More specifically, it is noteworthy that Greece is now in the 17th place (+2 positions) of LeasePlan’s EV Readiness Index with a total score of 16 (+1 point). Of the three factors considered, it scored the highest in total usage costs.

Almost all countries listed in the LeasePlan’s EV Readiness Index show an improved score compared to last year, signalling increased EV readiness across the continent. The rate of improvement, however, varies significantly across Europe, with Romania, Slovakia and the Czech Republic having both the lowest scores and the slowest improvement rate, underlining the continued disparity between Western and Eastern Europe in terms of EV readiness.

Furthermore, according to the index, EVs have never been more affordable. In 11 countries, EVs are already cheaper than their ICE counterparts on a TCO basis. In addition, EV drivers pay on average only 63% of the tax that ICE drivers pay. It should be noted that Greece along with Austria, Hungary, Ireland, Poland and the UK are the countries where EV drivers pay no tax at all for using these vehicles.

However, charging infrastructure is still lagging although it is key to improving EV readiness going forward. Although some progress was made in 2020 on charging infrastructure, the rate of improvement actually dropped compared to last year (43% increase rate in 2020 compared to 73% increase in 2019). Even in top-ranked countries, charging infrastructure remains far from adequate.

Mr. Konstantinos Petroutsos, Managing Director of LeasePlan Hellas, stated: "Greece's ranking in LeasePlan’s 2021 EV Readiness Index appears to have improved for another year, proving that e-mobility is becoming an increasingly popular and attractive choice in our country. More and more Greek drivers seem ready to make the transition from their conventional vehicle to an electric one, a movement that benefits both the environment and reduces the cost of using the car. However, there are still steps to be taken. Improving charging infrastructure is crucial for the penetration of EVs. We at LeasePlan give our customers the opportunity to discover the multiple benefits and exciting driving experience of an electric vehicle through long-term leasing, without the high costs and commitment that comes with buying an electric car. At the same time, as pioneers in Car-as-a-Service, we carry out strategic collaborations in the field of electricity in order to promote e-mobility in our country and to contribute to a greener, smarter and more sustainable future for mobility".

The 2021 EV Readiness Index is published as part of LeasePlan’s new ‘What’s next in EVs’ report. The report provides detailed insights into the latest trends, models and technology that will shape the EV industry in 2021, as well as in-depth analysis on the EV readiness of each country.

You may see the EV Readiness Index 2021, on the following link.

Published at March 18, 2021
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March 18, 2021

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