Mobility Insights report

Mobility Insights Report 2020: Greek drivers prefer their own private cars over public transportation due to Covid-19

2 min to readResearch
Drivers demand clean and green mobility in the New Normal

LeasePlan, together with leading global research firm Ipsos, today released the ‘New Normal’ edition of its annual Mobility Insights Report, assessing the impact of Covid-19 on mobility habits around the world.

The report, which surveyed over 5,000 drivers in 22 countries, not only shows that a majority of drivers now prefer the safety and comfort of their own car over public transport, but also that almost half of all drivers now want to switch to a zero-emission vehicle and play their part in tackling climate change and maintaining the improved air quality experienced at the beginning of the pandemic.

According to the research, since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, Greek drivers have become much less likely to use public transportation (78%), and more likely to use their own private car (86%). In this context, most Greek respondents (89%) say the pandemic has made them more aware of the safety and comfort of having their own vehicle. Furthermore, 67% of the respondents say that is more likely to buy or lease a new car within the next 5 years.

At the same time, more than half of respondents coming from our country (65%) say they take climate change more seriously as a global threat since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. For many (63%), this increased awareness has made them much more likely to switch to a zero-emission electric vehicle in the future in order to reduce their own carbon footprint and maintain the improved air quality experienced at the beginning of the pandemic.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, respondents are more likely to use online shopping and opt for home delivery for discretionary spending, such as clothes and electric devices (63%), bolstering demand for LCV and electric LCV (eLCV) delivery vehicles.

Finally, almost half of Greek respondents (49%) are worried about increased congestion and pollution from delivery vehicles post-Covid. However, the proposed solution is clear as most Greek delivery drivers that participated in the survey (55%) are willing to share their LCVs with other business to reduce congestion, as well as switch to zero-emission electric LCVs (77%) to reduce pollution.

Mr. Konstantinos Petroutsos, CEO of LeasePlan Hellas, stated: "The car as a means of transportation remains high in the heart of the Greeks. Especially today, during a pandemic, it is the safest way to move. At the same time, the shift of drivers towards electric vehicles and zero-emission vehicles, as confirmed by the research, is in full agreement with the LeasePlan strategy. Our commitment at LeasePlan Hellas is to continue to offer the car-as-as-service with complete long-term leasing solutions and competitive leasing offers, with responsibility for the environment and with our customers always in the spotlight ".

You may see the first edition of this year’s Mobility Insights Report, which includes a breakdown of country-specific data and findings, on the following link.

Published at December 16, 2020
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December 16, 2020

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