Driver services

We’re ready to help: any car, anytime, anywhere
Mujer hablando por celular

Useful information to keep you on the road

Go straight to the most popular topics for LeasePlan drivers.

Book maintenance and repairs online

Schedule the maintenance or repair of your vehicle directly on our site. Fill out the form and your confirmation of the service will be sent by email.

Mobile application for drivers

Download the mobile application and find all the information related to your vehicle in a single click.

Driver set

Together with the car you will receive a hard copy of the "Driver set" which provides you with all the necessary information related to the use of the car. You will also find:

Want to know more? We’re here to help!

Icono teléfono celular en una mano

Call 01 800 00 LEASE (53273)​

Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Saturdays from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
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Send us an email and we will respond within one business day.