Trucks and equipment

Truck and equipment services

When you go beyond cars, we go beyond the standard. We provide specialised leasing and management services to help you get the most from trucks and equipment in your business.

Trucks and equipments explained

What is truck and equipment?

Any wheeled asset you put to work in your business—other than passenger cars and some light commercial vehicles—we consider truck and equipment.

We’re the leaders in the field, successfully managing these assets for customers across the country in a variety of industries.

If you’re using trucks and equipment, you need LeasePlan’s commercial vehicles services.

Trucks and equipment services


We have a specialist team of experts ready to support all your truck and equipment needs. Our team regularly draws on expertise from across the industry to ensure that their knowledge and capability remains up to date.

We work directly with original equipment manufacturers (OEM) and associated suppliers, incorporating the latest designs and industry standards in all builds.

Ask LeasePlan about how we can improve the sourcing, building, financing and aftersales support of all your Commercial Vehicle assets.

Vehicle maintenance

Fair wear & tear guide

At the end of your contract, your vehicle will be returned to LeasePlan. All returned vehicles are inspected to assess 'Fair Wear and Tear'.

The vehicle inspection is carried out by a third party to ensure that its fair and unbiased. You can access a copy of the ‘Fair Wear and Tear’ guide for Trucks here.

How can we help?

Call 0800 LEASEPLAN (0800 532 737)